My Film Making Experience

I share my experience in L.A. as a filmmaker student at the New York Film Academy.

Friday, March 31, 2006

Lonesome Jim

FR: Hello!

Yesterday, students of the New York Film Academy were invited at the Warner Brothers Studios for the screening of the film "Lonesome Jim". The actors are Casey Affleck, Liv Tyler and Mary Cate Place. (check who they are on

FR: Hier, les etudiants de la New York Film Academy etaient invites aux Studios Warner Brothers pour la projection du film "Lonesome Jim". Les acteurs sont Casey Affleck, Liv Tyler et Mary Cate Place. (regardez qui ils sont sur

It's a very nice movie, the actors are just amazing. They did a gorgeous job in that film. And Mary Cate Place was in the studios and we could ask her questions. Fantastic moment for us.

FR: C'est un tres bon film, drole, triste, touchant et les acteurs etaient simplement incroyables. Ils ont fait un superbe boulot dans ce film. Et Mary Cate Place etait dans les studios et on pouvait lui poser des questions. Fantastique pour nous.

If you want to see the movie, check their website (click on the title of this post) and go, it's worth it!

FR: Si vous voulez voir le film, visitez leur site web (clicker sur le titre de ce message) et allez-y, ca en vaut la peine.

Have a very nice day.
FR: Excellente journee.


Tuesday, March 28, 2006

"Because Of You" - Widescreen

FR: Hello!

Just to let you know that there is a second version of my short Music Video "Because Of You". It's with the widescreen bars.

FR: Une nouvelle version du clip musical "Because Of You" est disponible. J'y ai rajoute les barres pour l'ecran large (16:9).

Have a nice day.
FR: Bonne journee.


P.S. And on this link, Kelly Clarkson's performance at the Grammies
FR: P.S. Et sur ce lien, la performance de Kelly Clarkson aux Grammies

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Tourism time

Man's Chinese Theater
Originally uploaded by Marc Plocek.
Finally one day off! Thank God, we could relax a little bit today, even if you have to give back a script by tomorrow.

FR: Enfin, un jour de conge. Merci, on peut se relaxer un petit peu aujourd'hui, meme si on doit retourner un script pour demain.

I went to Rodeo Drive and Hollywood Boulevard with Moto who is a Japanese friend of mine I met in San Francisco.

FR: Nous sommes alles sur Rodeo Drive et Hollywood Boulevard avec Moto, un japonais rencontre a San Francisco.

Good luck for your week.
FR: Bonne chance pour votre semaine.


Saturday, March 25, 2006

The school

Patio @ NYFA
Originally uploaded by Marc Plocek.
FR: Hello!

Just one picture of the patio at school. Very nice place to relax between two classes or for lunch break.

FR: Juste une photo de la cour interieure a l'ecole. Endroit tres agreable pour se relaxer entre deux classes ou pour la pause de midi.

Take care.
FR: Salutations.

Editors - In The Blink Of An Eye.

Hi everybody,
FR: Bonjour a tous,

What's up ? Wherever you are.
FR: Quoi de neuf ? Ou que vous soyez.

One short post to tell you that I got an amazing book from the library called "In The Blink Of An Eye" written by Walter Murch who is one of the most famous editor. I haven't started reading it yet, but I'll let you know.

FR: Un petit message pour vous dire que j'ai pris un livre a la bibliotheque de l'ecole qui s'appelle "In The Blink Of An Eye" ecrit par Walter Murch qui est un des monteurs de films les plus connu. Je n'ai pas encore commence, mais je vous tiens au courant.

At school, there are 2 editing rooms. One is "Walter Murch" and the other one is called "Michael Kahn". Kahn is the editor who edit almost all the movies of Steven Spielberg.

FR: A l'ecole, il y a 2 salles de montage video. La premieres s'appelle justement "Walter Murch" et l'autre "Michael Kahn". Kahn est le monteur attitre de Steven Spielberg.

To check out what those guys did, check it out on
FR: Pour voir ce qu'ils ont fait, faites un saut sur

Impressive, isn't it ?
FR: Impressionnat, non ?

Take it easy!
FR: Restez cool!


Saturday, March 18, 2006

Wireless Web Access

Finally, I got a wireless web connection.
FR: Finalement, je l'ai ma connexion sans fil a internet.

That means that you can contact me easily on Skype (mplocek) or even on different chats. If you want to know my names on MSN, Yahoo, Gmail Talk, iChat or ICQ, feel free to contact me or to put a comment. I'll send it to you by email.

FR: Ca veut dire que je suis plus facilement joignable sur Skype (mplocek) ou meme sur de differents chats. Si vous desirez connaitre mes noms sur MSN, Yahoo, Gmail Talk, iChat ou ICQ, contactez-moi ou mettez un commentaire sur le blog, je vous l'enverrai par email.

With Skype, you can also have a phone number, which I do have. Ask me also by email for that if needed.
FR: Avec Skype, il est possible d'avoir un numero de telephone, que j'ai ici. Demandez-moi egalement par email si necessaire.

Take care.
FR: Salutations.

"Failure to Launch"

Tonight, I went to the movie theater to watch "Failure to Launch" with Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew McConaughey.
FR: Ce soir, je suis sorti pour voir le film "Failure to Launch" avec Sarah Jessica Parker et Matthew McConaughey.

It's not a serious movie I would say, but it's funny, entertaining and just good. Personally, I loved it and Sarah Jessica Parker is just beautiful. She's sweet and her eyes work perfectly with the camera.

FR: C'est pas un film serieux je dirais, mais c'est drole, divertissant et simplement bon. Personnellement, j'ai adore et Sarah Jessica Parker et simplement superbe. Elle est adorable et ses yeux se marient parfaitement avec la camera.

Take care guys, and hope to see you soon.
FR: Prenez soin de vous et j'espere vous voir bientot.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

End of Week 9

Hi again!
FR: Re-bonjour!

Just a few words to let you know that it's been something like 3 weeks we haven't had a day off at school. The next day off is planned on Sunday from the week 11, which means in 2 weeks.

FR: Juste quelques mots pour dire que nous n'avons pas eu de jour de conge depuis environ 3 semaine. Le prochain jour de conge est prevu pour le dimanche de la semaine 11, soit dans 2 semaines.

More than one month (5 weeks), working 7 days a week, around 10 hours a day. Last Thursday, we started at 8:15am and finished at 10:15pm, it was a long and very interesting day, but I was dead!

FR: Plus d'un mois (5 semaines), a travailler 7 jours sur 7, environ 10 heures par jour. Jeudi dernier, nous avons commence a 8h15 du matin et fini a 22h15, c'etait un jour long, mais tres interessant, mais j'etais mort!

Big kisses and hugs to everybody.
Gros becs a tout le monde.

Los Angeles - It's freezing!

FR: Coucou!

It's freezing in Los Angeles. This morning, I went to Hollywood to shoot our weekend film project and I saw snow up the hills, North of Los Angeles. Actually, last night, the temperature was around 40-50 degrees, and that's really really cold for California, espacially in March.

FR: Ca caille a Los Angeles. Ce matin, je suis alle a Hollywood pour filmer nos projets-films du weekend et j'ai vu de la neige sur les collines au Nord de Los Angelels. En fait, la nuit derniere, la temperature est descendue aux alentours des 5 degres et c'est vraiment tres tres froid pour la Californie, surtout en mars.

In a few days, I'll have to buy winter tyres for my car ;-)
FR: Dans quelques jours, je vais devoir acheter des pneus d'hiver pour ma voiture ;-)

Take care and see you soon.
FR: Prenez soin de vous et a bientot.

Dana and Superman

Hi everybody!
FR: Bonjour a tous!

Dana Reeve went back to her Superman husband on March 6th 2006.
FR: Dana Reeve a rejoint son Superman de mari le 6 mars 2006.

She announced that she had a lung cancer August of last year. And she died a few days ago after having given her last 15 years to her husband, the incredible Christopher Reeve. He was one of my idols, and died in 2003.

FR: Elle a annonce un cancer des poumons en aout de l'annee derniere. Elle est decedee il y a quelques jours apres avoir consacre ses 15 dernieres annees a son mari, l'incroyable Christopher Reeve. Il etait une de mes idoles et est mort en 2003.

Superman and his love are together again. Thanks for everything you guys did.
FR: Superman et sa moitie sont a nouveau ensemble. Merci pour tout.


Tuesday, March 07, 2006

My Teachers

FR: Hello!

A few words to tell you who are my teachers:
FR: Quelques mots pour vous presenter mes profs:

Adam Nimoy: Directing class

Nick Sivukamaran: Camera and Lighting class

Benett Graebner: Scriptwriting class
Travis Peterson: Editing class
Rick Kostenick: Directing actors class

Eric Conner: Producing class

Randi Feldman: Scriptsupervising class

Jason Tomaric: Sound class

There we go. They're all amazing!
FR: Et voila. Ils sont tous hallucinants!

Take care and see you soon!
FR: Prenez soin de vous et a bientot.


Monday, March 06, 2006

VIBE Party

Kandace & me
Originally uploaded by Marc Plocek.
FR: Bonjour!

I went to the VIBE party (Vibe is a hip-hop magazine) organized by Queen Latifah. It was just amazing!

FR: Je suis alle a une soiree VIBE (Vibe est un magazine de hip-hop) organisee par Queen Latifah. C'etait simplement incroyable!

Robyn invited me at that party and I met some famous people. I couldn't believe it! I was like a child and I couldn't even say a word with my eyes plenty of surprises!

FR: Robyn m'a invite a cette fete et j'ai rencontre quelques personnes connues. Je ne pouvais pas y croire! J'etais comme un gamin et je pouvais meme pas dire un mot avec mes yeux plein de surprises!

We ate first at the restaurant called "AGO". The owners are Tony Scott and Robert De Niro. It was really good and not that expensive. At our table, there was Anthony Mackie. If you don't know him, have a look on

FR: Nous avons d'abord mange dans un restaurant appele "AGO". Les proprietaires sont Tony Scott et Robert De Niro. C'etait vraiment excellent et meme pas trop cher. A notre table etait Anthony Mackie. Si vous ne le connaissez pas, jetez un coup d'oeil sur

I met Kandace Lindsey who is a singer. She works with Marc Anthony. That's the picture. She's very very nice and has an amazing voice.

FR: J'ai rencontre Kandance Lindsey qui est une chanteuse. Elle travaille avec Marc Anthony. C'est la photo. Elle est tres sympa et a une voix incroyable.

Have a good day and see you.
FR: Excellente journee et a bientot.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

MPP Films (Marc Plocek Production Films)

FR: Hello!

There we go. These are the links for my films I've directed at NYFA so far.
FR: Enfin les voila. Ce sont les films que j'ai realise a NYFA jusqu'a present.

- "Extra Inning":
- "Odd Couples":
- "Shit, my Bag":
- "Because of You":
- 'Murder of Passion":

I hope you're gonna love them. Do not hesitate to put grade or send me feedbacks eiter by email of in the comments.
FR: J'espere que vous allez aimer. N'hesitez pas a mettre des grades ou envoyer des feedbacks par email ou sur le site dans les commentaires.

See you and take care.
FR: A bientot, salutations.

Los Angeles Weather

Hi everybody!
FR: Bonjour a tous!

What's up ? I hope everything's ok all around the world for you guys.
FR: Quoi de neuf ? J'espere que tout roule dans les 4 coins de la planete.

Just a small message to say that the weather was not that good a few days ago, it rained a lot and when it rains in California, it's much worse than in Europe, or at least than in Switzerland. Road are bad, drivers are very bad and the temperature is still ok.

FR: Juste un petit message pour dire que la meteo n'etait pas terrible quelques jours en arriere, il a beaucoup plu, et quand il pleut en Californie, c'est bien pire qu'en Europe, ou dumoins qu'en Suisse. Les routes sont mauvaises, les conducteurs tres mauvais, mais la temperature est ok.

A lot of things are going on at school, we're working on 3 different projects at the same time. This week, we finished editing our 8 week film, we're working on the preproduction of 2 small films with dialogue, we started to work last week on digital, so, we still have to learn how everything works together (camera, microphone, colors).

FR: Beaucoup de choses sont en cours en ce moment a l'ecole. On travaille sur 3 projets en meme temps. Cette semaine, nous avons termine le montage de notre film de la 8eme semaine, on travaille simultanement en preproduction sur 2 petits films avec dialogue, nous avons commence avec le digital la semaine derniere, nous devons donc encore apprendre comment tout fonctionne ensemble (camera, microphone, couleurs).

In a few days, on that same website, I'm going to publish 5 films I've directed so far. So, I hope you'll enjoy the show!
FR: Dans quelques jours, sur ce meme site, je vais publier les 5 films que j'ai dirige jusqu'a present. Amusez-vous bien!

Take care and see you!
FR: Prenez soin de vous et a bientot!