My Film Making Experience

I share my experience in L.A. as a filmmaker student at the New York Film Academy.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Actors are amazing!

FR: Hello!

While I was shooting my 8 week film, I was really impressed by my actors. Every week I have very nice surprises, and I love that.

After the incredible "Because of You" experience, I have now the unbelievable experience of my short film "Murder of Passion". With only a few rehearsals, the actors made the film. They came with their own ideas, props and wardrobe.

I have to admit that I almost cried again. They are in their role, they live it 100% and it's better than everything I could expect from them. Amazing, actors are just amazing!

FR: Quand je tournais mon projet de la 8eme semaine, j'etais vraiment tres impressionne par mes acteurs. Chaque semaine j'ai de tres bonnes surprises et j'avoue que j'adore ca.

FR: Apres l'incroyable experience de "Because of You", j'ai vecu a present l'hallucinante experience de mon court metrage "Meurtre Passionnel". Avec seulement quelques repetitions, les acteurs font le film. Ils viennent avec leur propres idees, garde-robe, etc...)

FR: Je dois admettre que j'ai presque pleurer a nouveau. Ils sont dans leur role, ils vivent leur role a 100% et c'est mieux que tout ce que je pouvais leur demander. Hallucinant, les acteurs sont simplement hallucinants!

I can't explain in which scene I almost cried, but she lived it and the feelings she had were true. She was sad, she was angry, upset, and I was just... OUAH !!!

FR: Je peux pas expliquer dans quelle scene j'ai presque pleurer, mais elle a vecu le truc and les sentiments etaient vrais. Elle etait triste, elle etait enervee, fache et moi j'etais simplement... OUAH !!!

That's it, I wanted to say how impressed I am by the actors.
FR: Voila, je voulais juste dire a quel point je suis impressionne par les acteurs.

Kisses and hugs.
Gros becs.


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