My Film Making Experience

I share my experience in L.A. as a filmmaker student at the New York Film Academy.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Because Of You

Hi everybody!
FR: Bonjour a tous!

A short message to say that the editing of my music video was great and I loved doing it. It worked perfectly with the song I chose, which was "Because of You" from Kelly Clarkson.

FR: Un petit message pour dire que le montage de mon film musical etait tres bien et j'ai adore le faire. Ca marchait merveilleusement avec la chanson que j'avais choisie, soit "Because of You" de Kelly Clarkson.

I screened the short film at school for the 2 main actors and they loved it. That film was also screened for the last day of the 4 week acting program. Almost 10 films were screened on Saturday night.

FR: J'ai projete le film a l'ecole pour les 2 acteurs principaux qui l'ont bien aime. Ce film a egalement ete projete pour le dernier jour des acteurs du programme de 4 semaines. Environ 10 films ont ete projete samedi soir.

I was really sad to let all these 4 week actors leave. But that's the way it is. I wait for their "come back" soon.

FR: J'etais vraiment triste de laisser partir tout ces acteurs du cours de 4 semaines. Mais bon, c'est comme ca. J'attends qu'ils reviennent prochainement.

During the week, I'll post a couple of pictures of Saturday night and I'll explain you how and where it was and how I felt it.

FR: Durant la semaine, je vais mettre des photos de samedi soir sur le web et je vous expliquerai comment et ou etait la projection de samedi et comment je me sentais.

Take care and see you. Take it easy.
FR: Prenez soin de vous et a bientot.



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