My Film Making Experience

I share my experience in L.A. as a filmmaker student at the New York Film Academy.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Screening in Egyptian Theater

Reto, Marc and Katie
Originally uploaded by Marc Plocek.
Hi guys!
FR: Salut a tous!

Saturday night was an amazing night even if it was also a little bit sad, because a couple of students (4 week acting) left the school.

FR: Samedi soir etait absolument grandiose, meme si c'etait un peu triste de voir partir certains etudiants (4 semaines acteurs) qui ont finit leur programme.

My name appeared for the first time on a big screen. My film Because of You was screened on Hollywood Boulevard in the Egyptian Theater. On the picture, you can see the 2 stars who acted in my short music video. Katie and Reto. They were just amazing!

FR: Mon nom est apparu pour la premiere fois sur un ecran de cinema. Mon film Because of You a ete projete sur Hollywood Boulevard dans l'Egyptian Theater. Sur la photo, vous pouvez voir les 2 stars qui ont joue dans le clip musical. Katie et Reto. Ils etaient simplement incroyable!

Special thanks to Katie who allowed me to see my name on the big screen for the first time.

FR: Un merci tout particulier a Katie qui m'a permis de voir mon nom sur le grand ecran pour la premiere fois.

Take it easy and see you.
FR: Salutations et a bientot.



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