My Film Making Experience

I share my experience in L.A. as a filmmaker student at the New York Film Academy.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Semester One is over

Me & my cigar
Originally uploaded by Marc Plocek.
Good morning everybody!
FR: Bonjour a tous!

After almost 10 days of silence, there is finally a new message on my blog.
FR: Apres presque 10 jours de silence, enfin un nouveau message sur mon blog.

The editing of the Semester One film was very nice. Not that long actually, but it finally came up pretty good. As my teacher said, I missed some story points which makes it hard to unterstand. And he is right.

FR: Le montage du film du premier semester etait tres bien. Pas trop long en fait, et finallement, le film sort bien. Comme l'a dit mon prof, j'ai oublie quelques chapitre dans l'histoire, ce qui rend le film difficile a comprendre. Et il a raison.

The first semester is now over. And I have one week vacation. I can sleep, I really need to sleep. Anyway, I was supposed to work as a Production Assistant with another student on an actual set this weekend, and finally they postponed to next weekend.

FR: Le premier semestre est termine. Et j'ai une semaine de vacances. Je peux enfin dormir, j'ai vraiment besoin de dormir. J'etais cense travailler en tant qu'assistant de production ce weekend avec un autre etudiant sur un vrai tournage. Finallement, ils ont renvoye au weekend prochain.

I have no plan for this week which is cool, I can relax. Maybe a short trip to Vegas, I don't know, it depends on other students.

FR: Je n'ai pas de plan pour cette semaine, ce qui est agreable, je peux me detendre. Peut-etre un rapide saut par Vegas, ca dependra des autres etudiants.

I wish you a very good week and see you soon.
FR: Excellente semaine et a bientot.


P.S. I'll put my films on the web this coming week.
P.S. Je mettrai les film sur le web cette semaine.


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