My Film Making Experience

I share my experience in L.A. as a filmmaker student at the New York Film Academy.

Friday, January 06, 2006

First part of the trip

Hi to everybody.
FR: Bonjour a tous,

A small message to say that the first part of the trip is ok. I had to leave Fabienne at the airport, but she'll come in a few weeks to Los Angeles, it's going to be really cool together on the West Coast.

FR: Un petit message pour dire que la premiere partie du voyage se passe bien. J'ai bien evidemment du quitter Fabienne a l'aeroport mais comme elle vient dans quelques semaines, nous allons passer des moments geniaux sur la cote ouest.

I'm currently in London testing T-mobile Hotspot and I have to agree, it works perfectly. My flight for L.A. is leaving in about 1,5 hours

FR: Je suis en ce moment a Londres et je teste les services WiFi de T-mobile. Ca marche plutot bien, voire a la perfection. Mon vol pour L.A. part dans 1,5 heures.

Kisses and hugs from London, take care.
Gros becs de Londres, prenez soin de vous.



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